As part of ongoing eff orts to enhance connectivity, Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange (DGCX) has approved FFastFill plc, a global provider of soft ware and services to the fi nancial community, as an independent soft ware vendor (ISV) on the exchange.
FFastFill, quoted on the London Stock Exchange, develops and supports more than 80 fi nancial institutions worldwide using a range of technology applications. Backed by market expertise and knowledge in exchange traded derivative instruments, FFastFill is at the forefront of technology for the electronic trading community. headquartered in London, it has offi ces in Chicago, Prague and Sydney.
“As an expanding exchange, DGCX is committed to enhancing connectivity, allowing us to widen our technology solutions for the benefi t of members and their clients,” said Eric hasham, chief executive offi cer, DGCX.
“Th e exchange is working closely with members to implement fresh initiatives that support its on-going growth. With FFastFill on board as an ISV, members can access DGCX via widely used, advanced technology,” he added.
Patrick Th ornton- Smith, managing director, FFastFill, said, “FFastFill is an important provider of high quality services to the electronic trading community. We are pleased to add DGCX, the region’s largest derivatives exchange to our connectivity suite. FFastFill off ers the advantage of providing tailored solutions to meet clients’ unique requirements. In doing so, it provides the fl exibility of integrating FFastFill’s own technology with the specialist services of other suppliers.”
DGCX has also announced that it is expanding its suite of forex (FX) products. It has launched three new currency futures contracts – Swiss franc/US dollar (DChF), Australian dollar/US dollar (DAUD) and Canadian dollar/US dollar (DCAD). Th e new contracts went live this month.
“Th e increase in DGCX currency futures volume coupled with growing demand from members, has encouraged us to off er the DChF, DAUD and DCAD futures contracts,” said hasham. “DGCX will be the only futures exchange outside of the US and Europe to off er the six most liquid currency futures pairs.”